Monthly Archives: August 2017

Photo 1 – Photograms


Read the following article

Man Ray to Thomas Ruff

In  your  journal, 1  page, handwritten or typed

1. comment on how Photograms changed Man Ray’s career.  How did his work compare to Fox Talbot’s or Christian Shad’s work?

2. Explain how his work caught on and the role that composition and choice of materials played.

3. Does Ray’s abuse of women or his evasiveness about his Jewish background cause you to look at his work any differently?

4. How has Ruff has updated photograms with digital technology?

5.  Read the links about Moholy Nagy:

6. From these sites (and others on a google search), print the photogram you find most aesthetically pleasing.

7. Comment and explain why you like that photogram and how you think it was made.


Art 3 – Social/Political Content in Art – Guston and Catlett – due 9/13


1. In your sketchbook, generate ideas in lists or mind maps to explore issues that are important to you.  List things about society, culture, gender, race, the environment, education, consumerism, commercialization, industrialization, etc.
Keep in mind, this is not an assignment to create a poster or slogan and it is not limited to particular time or a specific person. Translate your ideas into larger themes such as greed/oppression/equality/justice/human rights, etc.

Then, after you come up with content ideas, brainstorm the images or symbols to represent these things. Start thinking visually and working on design and visual impact to make your image timeless so that it can be applicable to other times in history rather than just September 2017.

2. Look and write 3 main responses to Guston’s work in the following link:

3. Listen to the following conversation and write a reaction and response to what he says about painting and the creative process.

4. In the article below, read and list at least 3 important points of Guston’s historic context and at least 3 ideas about the evolution of his style (the visual strategies and characteristics – the look, the visual features).

5. Another important artist concerned with social content was Elizabeth Catlett.

Summarize at least 3 points about her history and 3 points about her style (focus on the prints and paintings) from the 3 articles and links below:

As you create a work addressing meaningful content with imagery of your choice, you will use mixed media and work on a ground.  Make thumbnails and explore ideas thoroughly before you start. Review the 3 sites below as reference for your media and methods. Makes some notes on your ideas and inspiration from these sites.

Art 2 – Pattern, Decoration, and Contour – Robert Kushner – due 9/13


1. In your sketchbook, take notes on the artist and his art:

Pattern and Decoration

Robert Kushner at D.C. Moore Gallery

2. Take notes on the paragraph right above Kushner’s “Night Garden” 2000, explaining why some critics rejected the Pattern & Decoration movement:

Art and Perception – Pattern and Decoration

3. Take notes on interesting aspects from this account, starting with “The Beginnings with Goldin” until “Meanwhile Back in New York” (p. 13-16):

Pattern and Decoration: An Ideal Vision in American Art 1975-1985, by Amy Swarz

4. For this project (Unit 2 and Creative Extension), continue researching and sketching themes of interest in your sketchbook, focusing on Pattern & Decoration and Kushner’s work.

ART 1 – From Line to Form to Expressive Dance – due 9/5


Watch this animation and see line come to life.  Notice how basic shapes turn into figures, and figures turn into abstract forms that mirror the dancers’ emotions.

In your sketchbook, draw two or more simple figures with this technique. You may choose to reference images in the animation as you draw. Lightly pencil your initial sketch with any of the methods practiced in class (single continuous line, spirals, or blocking in shapes). As you draw, use fluid lines and basic shapes. Then, add some shading and details to help the flat shapes become forms. Observe how the animator used lines to transform the dancers into liquid and then back again. In your drawing, you might also choose to include an element of “transformation” (into water, fire, stardust, etc.).

For your sketchbook homework this week, spend at least 45 minutes on this drawing. For your paragraph of sketchbook notes, describe what you think is being told in the animated story. What particular image or sequence in the animation do you find most visually effective? Due Tues. Sept. 5th.

In the link at bottom of the page, the artist describes his process and collaboration with dancers.

The Making of Thought of You

Photo 1 – The Projected Image & Pinhole Photography


The basics of photographic phenomena:

What are these pinhole cameras recording?

solargraphia blog

How to construct your 6 month pinhole.

A Kirby 2013/14 Photo student’s room converted into a pinhole:

Nathan's pinole

At the following link, search for entry #439.. Look around at the gallery for some great images from all over the world.

Worldwide Pinhole Day 2005

Here is a direct link to my entry in 2014.

Worldwide Pinhole Day 2014

Art 3 – Bones – Georgia O’Keeffe – 8/16

  1. Look at the way O’Keeffe uses bones to play with figure and ground, and form and space.  Consider the effect this has on the viewer, whether or not it is symbolic or purely formal. Watch the video and consider the music that Fogelberg created as tribute to O’Keeffe.
  2. Take a moment to “free write” all your responses to the work. What does it makes you think, feel, consider, contemplate (artistically, symbolically, personally, culturally)…

3. Look carefully at the works from the search below of O’Keeffe’s art work using bones.


4. Read and take notes in your sketchbook about her use of bones in each of the articles below:

5. Take notes on the advice from the article below.  Note at least one bullet point under each heading that you list.

6. Sketch a page full of thumbnails for your observational bone drawing.  Start thinking about your creative extension.